- 1961
本片是傑李湯普遜的成名作,根據艾利斯塔麥林恩(Alistair MacLean)的暢銷小說改編而成,是1961年家喻戶曉的電影,曾獲當年奧斯卡最佳導演、剪接、配樂等獎項提名,最後拿下最佳電影特效獎。 納粹軍隊在愛琴海上的某希臘小島上,安裝了兩支火力超強的巨砲,威脅到鄰近島嶼英軍的安危,於是六名同盟國
- 1958
Gunman's Walk
Gunman's Walk6.719584K/高清
- 1964
Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!
Hey There, It's Yogi Bear!6.319644K/高清
- 1959
- 2017
- 1971
City Beneath the Sea
City Beneath the Sea4.119714K/高清
- 1957
Operation Mad Ball
Operation Mad Ball6.419574K/高清
- 1961
Gidget Goes Hawaiian
Gidget Goes Hawaiian4.519614K/高清
- 2018
What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine7.220184K/高清
- 1969
- 1962
Diamond Head
Diamond Head5.419624K/高清
- 1986
T.J. Hooker - Blood Sport
T.J. Hooker - Blood Sport019864K/高清
- 1957
The Brothers Rico
The Brothers Rico6.219574K/高清
- 1960
Because They're Young
Because They're Young5.519604K/高清
- 1960
Let No Man Write My Epitaph
Let No Man Write My Epitaph6.119604K/高清
- 1963
Gidget Goes to Rome
Gidget Goes to Rome4.819634K/高清
- 1960
All the Young Men
All the Young Men6.319604K/高清
- 1964
For Those Who Think Young
For Those Who Think Young5.219644K/高清
- 1980
Turnover Smith
Turnover Smith019804K/高清
- 1964
The Lively Set
The Lively Set019644K/高清