“Gene Pack”電影
- 1984
倫恩(凱文貝肯 飾,《靈異駭客》)是個剛跟老媽從芝加哥搬到中西部一個保守小鎮的青少年,摩爾牧師(約翰李斯高 飾,電視影集《外星人報到》)則可說是這個小鎮的精神領袖,他認為某些書籍、搖滾樂、跳舞等娛樂回引人墮落,因而規定所有鎮民禁絕參與那些『不道德』的娛樂;這對從大城市搬來的倫恩而言,不啻是晴天霹靂,
- 1994
Future Shock
Future Shock419944K/高清
- 1992
In the Line of Duty: Siege at Marion
In the Line of Duty: Siege at Marion419924K/高清
- 1987
Nephi and the Brass Plates
Nephi and the Brass Plates4.219874K/高清
- 1988
Journey to the Promised Land
Journey to the Promised Land419884K/高清
- 1987
The King is Born
The King is Born6.519874K/高清
- 1988
The Prodigal Son
The Prodigal Son6.819884K/高清