“Frank Hagney”電影
- 1949
本片根據小說家羅柏華倫的暢銷鉅作改編,描寫美國南方政治家威力史塔克,其縱橫政壇、呼風喚雨的傳奇事蹟。 威力史塔克一開始只是小小的南方議員,但仗義直言,挺身對抗腐敗的政府,與孤身奮鬥的精神,吸引了報社記者傑克波登的目光,決定挺身支持,兩人一路奮戰,終於讓史塔克當選州長。當選後,史塔克大刀闊斧的社會改
- 1966
The Silencers
The Silencers6.119664K/高清
- 1940
The Invisible Man Returns
The Invisible Man Returns6.219404K/高清
- 1935
The Informer
The Informer6.74519354K/高清
- 1959
The Hanging Tree
The Hanging Tree6.719594K/高清
- 1942
The Glass Key
The Glass Key6.619424K/高清
- 1948
The Paleface
The Paleface6.119484K/高清
- 1942
Reap the Wild Wind
Reap the Wild Wind6.419424K/高清
- 1944
The Lodger
The Lodger6.33519444K/高清
- 1948
The Big Clock
The Big Clock7.26519484K/高清
- 1949
Knock on Any Door
Knock on Any Door6.119494K/高清
- 1940
Boom Town
Boom Town6.92319404K/高清
- 1940
Midnight Limited
Midnight Limited519404K/高清
- 1951
Man in the Saddle
Man in the Saddle6.519514K/高清
- 1935
Les Misérables
Les Misérables7.219354K/高清
- 1954
King Richard and the Crusaders
King Richard and the Crusaders6.319544K/高清
- 1955
- 1940
Northwest Passage
Northwest Passage6.319404K/高清
- 1952
The Duel at Silver Creek
The Duel at Silver Creek6.919524K/高清
- 1949
The Big Steal
The Big Steal6.53219494K/高清