“Wylie Watson”電影
- 1935
音樂廳中傳來槍聲,觀眾們一片驚慌。一位外國女子(Lucie Mannheim 飾)詢問理查德‧漢內(Robert Donat 飾)是否可以在他家中過夜。次日該女子在被殺之前告訴理查德必須阻止間諜組織「三十九級台階」將國家機密偷偷送出英國。漢內為了證明自己並不是殺人兇手無奈前往蘇格蘭高地尋找線索,在火
- 1939
Jamaica Inn
Jamaica Inn6.119394K/高清
- 1949
Whisky Galore!
Whisky Galore!6.819494K/高清
- 1948
Brighton Rock
Brighton Rock6.819484K/高清
- 1960
The Sundowners
The Sundowners6.719604K/高清
- 1950
The Magnet
The Magnet6.219504K/高清
- 1950
Morning Departure
Morning Departure6.619504K/高清
- 1929
It's a Great Life
It's a Great Life419294K/高清
- 1943
The Lamp Still Burns
The Lamp Still Burns5.419434K/高清
- 1938
Queer Cargo
Queer Cargo019384K/高清
- 1933
Leave It to Me
Leave It to Me019334K/高清
- 1947
Temptation Harbour
Temptation Harbour5.119474K/高清
- 1944
Tawny Pipit
Tawny Pipit6.219444K/高清
- 1946
The Years Between
The Years Between6.219464K/高清
- 1950
Your Witness
Your Witness5.719504K/高清
- 1945
Kiss the Bride Goodbye
Kiss the Bride Goodbye5.119454K/高清
- 1945
Waterloo Road
Waterloo Road619454K/高清
- 1948
My Brother Jonathan
My Brother Jonathan6.7519484K/高清
- 1941
The Saint Meets the Tiger
The Saint Meets the Tiger5.319414K/高清
- 1945
Don Chicago
Don Chicago419454K/高清