- 1952
本片被選為被公認為史上最偉大歌舞片之一。2007美國電影學會影史百大影片第五名;2006美國電影學會影史最佳歌舞片;1953奧斯卡金像獎最佳女配角、電影配樂提名;1953英國金像獎最佳影片提名、金球獎歌舞喜劇類最佳男主角。 在無聲電影時代,演員表演的身體動作遠比聲音重要,Lina和Don正是憑著姣
- 1946
The Harvey Girls
The Harvey Girls6.519464K/高清
- 1954
- 1953
The Band Wagon
The Band Wagon7.119534K/高清
- 1956
Meet Me in Las Vegas
Meet Me in Las Vegas4.719564K/高清
- 1976
That's Entertainment, Part II
That's Entertainment, Part II6.919764K/高清
- 1978
Warlords of Atlantis
Warlords of Atlantis5.819784K/高清
- 1946
Till the Clouds Roll By
Till the Clouds Roll By5.719464K/高清
- 1994
That's Entertainment! III
That's Entertainment! III719944K/高清
- 1974
That's Entertainment!
That's Entertainment!7.319744K/高清
- 1966
The Silencers
The Silencers619664K/高清
- 1948
On an Island with You
On an Island with You5.619484K/高清
- 1948
Words and Music
Words and Music5.719484K/高清
- 1976
Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood
Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood4.119764K/高清
- 1985
That's Dancing!
That's Dancing!719854K/高清
- 1943
Something to Shout About
Something to Shout About5.819434K/高清
- 1954
Deep in My Heart
Deep in My Heart6.819544K/高清
- 1965
Assassinio made in Italy
Assassinio made in Italy5.119654K/高清
- 1957
Silk Stockings
Silk Stockings6.719574K/高清
- 2001
Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration
Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration820014K/高清