


(8 個用戶中有 8.2 個)

100分鐘 2023 4K-高清

《嚮往的生活第3季》線上看,高清完整版。The show documents the simplistic lifestyle of living away from the bustling city centers. Each season takes place in a different rural part of China. The cast members are only provided with the basic life necessities and have to take care of everything else such as cooking their own meals and building their own furniture. To "buy" different cooking ingredients and other tools, they have to complete certain tasks assigned by the production crew, such as planting and harvesting crops. Different guests join the cast in each episode and help out with the daily chores. The goal of the program is to bring the audience along on a slower pace of life and to illustrate the joys of a simple lifestyle.

  • 電影類型: 真人秀
  • 導演: Gezhou Chen, Zhengyu Wang
  • 演員: Huang Lei, 何炅
  • 國家: China

  第0季    第1季    第2季    第3季    第4季    第5季    第6季    第7季  

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